Assessment of unit 1 (ideas &set up).

Some of the variations below :



New thinking with old in mind (Tutors).

BUT have another idea, to focus in more on one strand




FINAL DECISION:          Stages.

This was the result of two conversations with Tania Kovats & Anne-Marie Creamer in relation to how to present the work I do /am doing at present . It seems to cover most areas BUT not to confused to be understood . I tried to consider :THE SPACE, THE WORK AND THE PROCESS :STAGES :IN PROCESS OF CHANGE :TRANSFORMATION what Iam doing  and where Iam in relation to these projects which are linked (all can be followed on /in research folder)





Mistake on materials listed: should have read: Chair,table,lightbox,(faulty) memory stick , tracing paper,22 carat gold leaf, lead ,mdf, glue pins, drawing pins, modeling clay ,wire,filler,photocopies,blue tack,Belt , Kent chalk,  drawing paper, photocopies, post it notes.



For better close up of images on light box see Untitled Animation on  main menu.


Feedback to follow+later thoughts.


Assessment Tool

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