horse drawing


Squared for transfer ,then where it is  not reading correctly I re-square in part again to resolve.

No shadow on this set , may be  problem , but also  problem when featured : what direction  and place on takes focus away from horse,but places it at same time.

Had to make some drawings from the photos .showing  next stages of /method of approach to the problem of representing this thing. 

Must take this project a stage further to see what or how I can learn from this ( in relation to making  animated work , to find a way to use it for my work rather than begin to study animation) . Two paths to follow :this on tracing paper to then scan (to stop problems with photos conditions and set up)do 15 drawings squared up from photos,  of model, edited to basic number to show motion , roughly  (meeting with Mark Shepherd),this first idea might work better on white paper ,…. Second idea :all stages on one drawing   inspired/nicked from Kentridge.

This is for a projection onto radar dish  radar mapping sheet and or onto freudian text :Beyond the Pleasure Principle .

Although now  links to my research on Mourning and Melanchlia :process of recathecting  a memory…(.See text below)



REPEATING :Leo Bersani  Sculpture  analysis  Assyrian Sculpture Palace reliefs in British Museum, repetition but not exactly the same ,disturbs, jars.


This is first drawing on paper of the planned 15 .Already problems setting printer to EXACT settings. This is pencil HB on white snow don thick drawing paper to try and withstand working process. Difficult to judge how much time to spend  as the image will be erased immediately except for a trace, an echo .If it looks enough to suggest whole ,then scan  and rework.

The work is in making an example(unexpected) of the the works theme :repetition ,repeating ,remaking ,back and forth, Computer centre problems also erasing then repeating only to be erased again…..

Two  days+ wasted work : printing ,drawing, scanning, and erasing . Photographing   problems , (tripod movement) has meant scrapping the above drawings on paper and tracing paper .

Video, Projection, Slow motion.

This has emerged from a first experimental tryout of a camcorder(sony) Also it has a projection facility * this is very new to me but lends itself (after Andrea Fraser/Kentridge works) to new possibilities in meaning and representation :combining drawing,animation,the still, and moving image…music?  *NOTE: have to find a way to show this stuff ,all small quicktime video pieces radar/Early horse /Horse, side view/Dark horse


This  rocking horse (project) has now fed new ideas for animating many different other ideas , or  links  attached to the original . It lends itself to an open reading.


Idea is to (now ) do nine drawings in sequence:draw,scan,erase repeat x 9 on the same sheet. Use scans for animation to project next to erased drawing sheet with the above Text edited , or an arrangement around this.


Drawing no 1.

The whole process is on show: from the squaring lines to the wire in the photographic source which is used to position the horse in /at different points of movement. This is then plotted onto the gridded printout which is then transferred onto  a grid on the paper.


Image below is 3rd stage /position after  partial erasure , before being reworked into 4th position.



COMMA NOT A FULLSTOP  (Anne-Marie Creamer)

New links :Nine different positions, plotting the the positions on grid Analogy with radar. Andrea Fraser : Official Welcome.


New complications.. erasing drawings before not a problem but now I value  the fourth one (below) for some reason .


More  about fixated at   stage  FOUR. Drawing :do not want to erase.

Weekend  to think over . This is an example in the making process of what I am looking at in  critical practice , research. The  difficult process of  doing ,undoing; repeating ,fixing, unfixing,movement  through ;process.

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