

FINAL DECISION:          Stages.

This was the result of two conversations with Tania Kovats & Anne-Marie Creamer in relation to how to present the work I do /am doing at present . It seems to cover most areas BUT not to confused to be understood . I tried to consider :THE SPACE, THE WORK AND THE PROCESS :STAGES :IN PROCESS OF CHANGE :TRANSFORMATION what Iam doing  and where Iam in relation to these projects which are linked (all can be followed on /in research folder)

Mistake on materials listed: should have read: Chair,table,lightbox,(faulty) memory stick , tracing paper,22 carat gold leaf, lead ,mdf, glue pins, drawing pins, modeling clay, wire, filler, photocopies, blue tack, Belt, Kent chalk,  drawing paper, photocopies, post it notes.

For better close up of images on light box see Untitled Animation on  main menu.

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